Thursday, December 31, 2009

Live Life

The words "live" and "love" are so close to each other. Surely, this can inspire us in some way.

We give ourselves to those we love. We give our time, our thoughts, our money. We give our all. That which we love, we know, is a part of our self -- and we give ourselves to ourselves.

This, then, should be the key to living, the thrust of our lives. We need to give ourselves to our lives. We need to give our all -- our time, our thoughts and money -- to being who we are. We need to love our every day, and not hold back. We need to love our every day with all our love.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 Minutes

Here is an amazing tool to boost the quality of living:

Imagine you have no more than 10 minutes left to live. Imagine that in another 10 minutes you will leave this material world for the world of the spirit, for the world of truth.

Obviously, in such a short time, you can't suddenly climb a mountain, fight a tiger or write your biography. What you can do though, is invest the activity you are doing right now with quality, richness -- a joy and appreciation you haven't experienced before. Color this moment with love. Sing into it a sense of marvel, a sense of awe.

Live and really live, now -- with every part of your whole. Live and really live now -- be happy, and succeed.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Thoughts

Imagine stepping out of a chauffeured limousine. Visualize yourself standing before a beautiful house, encircled by glorious, green gardens. You walk up to the heavy, wooden door and before you reach it, it swings open to you, revealing smiling faces that greet you, that are pleased to see you. You step into a comfortable room, into happy living, and you feel like… You are as happy as… You are more satisfied than…

The above picture can put you -- the entire you -- into a wonderful mood. Aah, this is living -- this is it!

Now, can you create this mood within yourself, without the outside trappings? Can you think thoughts that trigger such a frame of mind? If you can, this is good, excellent -- better than all the limousines, mansions, luxuries and comforts. For, to create such a mood within you is, in truth, to have it all.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Rejoice and Celebrate

The more we rejoice and celebrate the heavenly help we receive, the more heavenly help we will receive. (Based on Tehillim 20.6)

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Stay Happy

You don't need much time, or even roses, to smell the roses. There must be something within arm's reach, something near for you to enjoy, to appreciate. If not a material object, then an idea, a concept. Look at it. Focus on it. Make yourself a moment of happiness. Such an attitude, then, lights up not only this moment, but other moments as well.

We need to create a mind-set where our happiness doesn't depend on any happening, person or object. Whether the sky shines or rains, whether others are nice or nasty, whether we get the job or lose it -- we stay happy.

Can we be happy when "everything goes wrong"? We need to look not to what is -- but rather, to what is right. We have to focus on the positive. We have to paint our faces with a smile. Then, as we do what we can, the world will follow our bright, sunny example, and do the rest.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Flower Garden

Many thoughts fly through our heads each day, but we choose which ones to focus on and which ones to ignore. This choice affects all that we are...

We may be in the ideal setting, surrounded by beautiful articles -- yet we can choose to think negative, black thoughts. What then happens? These thoughts become a fire. We breathe life into them and they grow -- they become great and strong, and envelop our whole being. Instead of enjoying all we have, we become depressed, bitter, angry. We fume. We are furious.

Our victory and achievement lies in reversing this scenario -- completely.

In other words, even if we are in a terrible situation, surrounded by ugliness, we may choose to focus on something positive, something enjoyable. Then, we may extend this focus -- we may fill our being with it -- and turn our day into a flower garden of contentment and happiness.

To possess such ability, such a tool, is a power -- a gift. The Creator, in His kindness, strives to teach us this ability. He gives us every opportunity to acquire this skill.

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Monday, December 21, 2009


Wealthy people surround themselves with beauty -- beautiful homes, beautiful gardens, beautiful furnishings, even beautiful happenings. We can have this as well. When we train ourselves to recognize the beauty that surrounds our everyday, we are as wealthy as they are.

Moreover, since wealthy people often fail to acknowledge the beauty around them, we -- with our appreciation for all we have - are richer than they are.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

It Depends

What would you rather be: wise, or happy?

There is a certain bliss in being ignorant -- "with more wisdom is more anger, and he who gains knowledge, hurts more." (Koheles 1.18) For instance, can we enjoy our children when we know they must die? Can we enjoy our wealth, our health, when we see it diminish? Can we enjoy life when we envision calamity, tragedy, lurking on each corner, waiting at every turn? (Ibn Ezra, there)

Still, this applies only to the wisdom, the technology and philosophy of a finite world, a world that rusts, rots, dies. Higher wisdom however, knows that the soul is infinite, that there is life after life -- that the Creator rules all, with justice, with mercy. Such knowledge leads us to joy.

To be happy we need true wisdom, true perception. And to achieve this we must strive to do good, great acts and to please the Creator. For, "to the person He regards as worthy, He gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness." (Koheles 2.26)

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


A great rule of happiness is: never complain. Do not complain to others -- not friends, not family. Do not complain to the Creator. Do not complain to yourself -- even in your thoughts.

To complain gives us a certain pleasure. However, the loss from complaining outweighs any gain. For to complain is to say that we are unhappy -- and when we are unhappy, we can't be happy. Moreover, when we complain we enlarge the reason for the complaint -- we give it extra strength to hurt us. We empower it to possess us.

But when we look for the good in our situation, when we take pleasure in our situation, we attribute an extra pleasure to the world -- and an extra pleasure to its Creator. In this way, the source for our complaint helps us appreciate the beauty of our lives. It opens a door to all that we hope for, and all that we dream.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In general, Torah study increases our watchfulness. However, specifically meditating on stories and sayings of our sages that speak of the importance of our service and the far-reaching consequences of our smallest failures teach us to be careful.

Three attitudes motivate us to monitor our thoughts, words and actions. They are, in order of importance, (1) to strive for a whole achievement, (2) to seek respect, and (3) to avoid discomfort and pain.

To strive for a whole achievement
We long to do our best in a full and focused way. Thus, we worry and feel embarrassed that we will overlook or fail to do something we could have easily done.

To seek respect
We realize that the more we reach for and accomplish, the higher will be our standing in the world of truth, a world where all that counts is what we have done with our lives.

This motivation is most powerful. When we perceive that to keep pace with our friends and not fall behind those who are "less than us" is all-necessary, we embarrass ourselves into fulfilling our potential.

In addition, we know that our ability to accomplish and accumulate good deeds, a correct life-outlook and wisdom is limited. What we don't do before we die, we lose forever.

To avoid discomfort and pain
We realize that the heavenly courts will judge our lives to the smallest detail with precision, rewarding and punishing us exactly. Thus, we will strive to fulfill our duty that we may receive our full reward and not suffer any hurt.

The greater we become, the greater our potential to do still more, and the greater our influence and responsibility. The Torah records how the greatest personalities received heavy punishments for what we might regard as small mistakes. This teaches us to watch even our lightest actions and words. (See Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter 4, for examples.)

Never say this act or this moment isn't important, for when we give up on the details of our life, we give up our lives. (Baba Kama 50a)

The heavens judge us strictly, as well as with mercy. They judge us strictly. We need to pay the full price for even the smallest wrong. However, they also judge us with mercy. How so?

We receive time in which to repair the damage we have done.

When the punishment does come, it does not destroy us, allowing us room to make changes.

When we think over and regret our sin, resolving not to repeat them, we become as new people. Our change of heart makes it as though we never committed this sin in the first place. Moreover, at times the heavens may regard the smallest change we make as a full repair.

When we correct our ways, we wipe away the punishment that awaited our old selves. Thus, we can receive both justice and mercy. This is only possible however, when we open our eyes and monitor our actions. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter 4)

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Thinking about Others

Kindness starts with thinking about others. Let's start in just this way. Pick a person, any person, and start thinking about what he needs, what we can do to enrich him, boost him, how can we change his life. With continuous thought, ideas will flow into our heads, and we will find a way to make a real change in his life. (Rabbeinu Yona, Mishle 2.1)

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

By Yourself

What would you rather be: popular or happy?

Normally, a happy person does attract friends, but not always. Many times, he must perform all sorts of tricks to gain laughs, hugs, backslaps. Now, to bring joy to others is an act of kindness, but this is not what we really look for. Our baser nature does not seek to give. Rather, it wants the pleasure, the thrill of receiving admiration, applause and love from others.

We need to remember, though, that being popular makes us happy only for a while. For, the animal we call our ego is insatiable -- we cannot feed him enough. As much as he consumes, he wants more, he demands more, endlessly.

Therefore, we should separate our happiness from our popularity. Our good mood should not depend on how loved or hated we are. We need to be joyous without outside help. Then, when an opportunity to be nice to others, to give pleasure to others comes along, we will perform this without waiting for praise and a pat on the back.

We must be happy, no matter our situation. And if the heavens see fit to have others like us, admire us, love us, we will accept the gift gracefully. We will say thank you.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Suit

If I could offer you a suit that was stylish and elegant, and would make you more beautiful than you already are, surely you would want it. Especially, if I added, that it protects you from harmful influences -- similar to a bulletproof vest -- and only costs very little.

Unfortunately, though, I cannot sell you this suit -- for it's a suit you already have. What suit is this? It's your ability to be happy.

Be happy, and you wrap yourself in style and elegance. How can this be so? For happiness is beyond all style, beyond all elegance. Even the wealthiest, most famous, must strive daily to be happy.

Be happy, and be beautiful. Surely, everyone agrees with this.

Be happy, and forget your worries. For happiness stops the calamities of life from hurting you, from crushing you. Moreover, happiness draws the Divine Presence, into you and protects you, even from physical dangers.

Now, to be happy may not mean that you can be careless. Still, you can be carefree. Be happy, and move through life with confidence and flair.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Our every action carries elements of profit and loss. We need to assess each one. Does the profit outweigh the loss -- is it a good proposition? Alternatively, does the loss outweigh the profit -- is it a poor proposition?

Without proper thought and evaluation, we make two mistakes. (1) We don't notice the pitfalls lying along our route. (2) We mistake what is bad for what is good, and what is good for what is bad.

We need a guide, someone who has already reached the destination we need to reach. He can advise and coach us on the right steps to take.

Only with awareness and thoughtfulness, can we be sure that we make the best choices we can. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter 3)

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Monday, December 7, 2009

A Whole World

Our inner world is a whole world. With a trust in the Creator, hoping in His help and salvation, focusing on His unfathomable power, and uncovering the world's beauty, we have everything we could ever want. Why then do we look outside of ourselves for support and encouragement? -- Because we have not yet realized our full intellectual ability to grasp the perfection and richness of our inner world.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Invest Wisely

"What would you rather be: rich or happy?"

"One minute," you'll ask, "can't I be rich and happy?"

"You're right. So let's rephrase the question. What would you rather be: rich and miserable, or poor and happy?"

"Obviously," you'll say, "no one wants to be miserable. What are you saying?"

"Firstly, I am saying, there are people who choose to be rich and miserable.

"But more importantly, we should note, that just as we are ready to put effort -- thought and even money -- to enrich ourselves, so we should be ready to put effort -- thought and even money -- to be happy. Happiness is not free. We have to work to achieve it. We may strive to enrich ourselves -- but we must also strive to be happy. This is the first point.

Now, next the question is, what would you rather be, spiritually rich, or just happy? Would you rather be a lofty personality, an important supporter of communal causes, or simply happy living in this world?

This question however, contains a mistake. For, there is no such thing as spiritual growth without being happy. Even a prophet cannot receive prophecy unless he is happy.[1] To make progress, real progress, we must be joyous.

Moreover, and all the more so, our sages teach that a mitzva done once in pain, with effort, is worth a hundred done without pain, without effort.[2] And since it costs us effort to be happy, it follows that a mitzva done with joy is worth a hundred times more than a mitzva done without joy. To be rich, we must be happy.

[1] Shabbos 30b; Rashi, Breishis 45.27
[2] Michtav M'Eliyahu, Vol.3 p.14; Avos d'Rebbi Nosson 3; see also Shir HaShirim Raba 8.14

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

One Solution

We have two problems. One solution solves them both.

We have two problems. One, the things around us we don't like -- the details that litter, hurt and scar us, that stop us enjoying life in a full way. Two, the good things of life we feel we should have -- the possessions, friends, recognition we want, that remain so far away.

The solution to both problems is one. We need to see that life gives us exactly what we deserve. Our surroundings -- people, things, events -- reflect who we are, what we are right now, in relation to what we could be in the future. Accordingly, as we work on ourselves, as we improve ourselves, that which is ugly begins to disappear, while that which is beautiful begins to enter.

How can you know that this idea works? Taste it; try it. Once you have been on a path of intentional/unintentional self-improvement for two, four, ten years, you'll know that life does get better.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009


We need to ask of our future, present and past actions, Are they good? Should we do them? Are they bad? Should we avoid them? And when they're bad, what precautions can we take to protect us from repeating them?

Even of actions that are good, we must ask ourselves, are they all good? Do they include details that that we need to exclude?

An accounting team will assess the health of a business. This is vital to its success. Likewise, we need to assess our habits, attributes and actions. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter 3)

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Praying and Working

We should think of ourselves as ultimately wealthy, possessing limitless funds, good health, strength, wisdom, etc. Why then do we lack so much? Why then do we suffer all that we so need? There are two reasons...

1) That we strive more to come closer to the Creator.

2) That we may sensitize ourselves to the suffering of others, and train ourselves to pray and work for them as well.

Combining these two ideas, we should be praying and working that our entire community should come closer to the Creator.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009


Be a sun -- not a pale sun, but a bright sun, a warm sun, a friendly sun. Be a sun -- not a weak sun, but a handsome sun, a beautiful sun, a majestic, magnificent sun. Radiate light and energy. Radiate joy, the love of life. Radiate optimism. Look forward to an exciting, wonderful future.

But to succeed as suns, we must fulfill two conditions:

(1) We must remember that the Creator is the source of our energy. From Him we draw the inspiration we need to glow, to shine. Therefore, we must keep our connection to the Creator alive and healthy.

(2) We must be surface-level kings, but not actual kings. Only the Creator is king.
As the Creator's representatives, we may live in palaces, surrounded by beautiful objects, surrounded by servants. Still, we are not the King himself. We only represent Him -- His power, majesty, goodness. As for true power, majesty and goodness -- these are with the Creator.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


We need to appreciate our lives to enjoy our lives. But can we appreciate what is unpleasant? Can we attach value to what is painful? Can we be excited over what hurts us? Yes -- if we learn to see and know the Creator.

The highest pleasure is to see the Creator, to know the Creator. But to see or know the Creator requires special sensitivity -- it requires learning. We need to learn about life, about the different forces that inspire and invigorate our world.

Therefore, to learn must be important to us. It must be precious to us. If we don't use our opportunity to learn -- if we disregard it -- we walk away from happiness.

Sometimes, learning is difficult and unpleasant. Sometimes it's painful. In some way, our lessons hurt us -- wound us. Still, we need to appreciate and value these lessons. We even need to enjoy them. For only through them may we reach what we want.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Negative forces distract us from thinking through our life situation. Nevertheless, when we overcome our natural sloppiness, thinking out and planning our actions, we merit heavenly rescue. (Moed Katon 5a)

With thought, we can tackle our highest dreams. The Creator will help us to reach them. However, when we refuse to think, we lose it all. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter Two)

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Monday, November 23, 2009


For most of us, everything we had yesterday, we woke this morning to find it ours (with a few small changes). However, we could just as well, have woken to find that we have nothing, not even the strength to get out of bed. This alone should fill us with great feelings of gratitude.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009


"At all times, wear white; don't be without perfume in your hair." (Koheles 9.8)

Imagine -- a person is invited to feast with the king. The invitation however, does not mention any date or time. All it says is that the king's servants will arrive to escort him. If this person is wise, he will bathe himself, dress in his best and be ready at all times -- after all, he doesn't want to forfeit this platinum opportunity. If he is a fool however, he will ridicule such an invitation, and ignore it.

Our every minute is important -- still, some moments are more special, more unique. At such moments, we want to perform at our highest level, with enthusiasm, energy. If we can anticipate these moments -- a celebration, an important meeting, an interview -- we can ready ourselves. We can take a nap, shower, dress carefully, and most of all, ready our thoughts and attitudes. Other times, though, we have only a few minutes to prepare -- or no minutes at all. Then, there are moments we never knew were special, seemingly trivial, but which carried great weight -- eyes watching us, evaluating us and making decisions for our future.

Therefore, we need at all times to wear white, and have a fragrance -- a perfume of pleasantness, friendliness and the desire to help others -- wafting from us.

(Rashi explains another idea here. A person never knows when he will leave this world -- therefore, he should bathe and dress himself with good deeds at all times, that when his time comes, he may enter the next world in peace.)

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Add Value

The least item in the world is worth everything when we attach a high value to it. Conversely, the priciest item is worth nothing when we disregard it.

Why do we think we need to be rich to be happy? The reason is that we don't appreciate enough what we have. We have a power to attach value to whatever we want -- but we don't use it. Instead, we wait for others to tell us what is good, what is precious and -- like sheep -- we follow the leader. But there's a danger in chasing what is popular, what is fashionable...

Only by valuing what we have, only by valuing our lives, can we be happy. If we don't attach importance to what we have, even the most expensive, rarest treasures, even the newest, trendiest toys won't make us happy. Even when everyone else appreciates what we have, we'll not enjoy it. Within ourselves, we have to be happy. Otherwise, we condemn ourselves to misery.

Therefore, more than striving to acquire what we don't have, we need to practice enjoying the wonderful, exciting life-items we do have. Let us treasure our world, let us raise its value, and let us succeed.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Generally, we prefer to be at our destination than to take a journey. However, in terms of our lives in this world, the journey is the more important of the two. For along the journey, we uncover new abilities, new strengths. Along the journey, we learn new ideas; we see and appreciate what we never noticed before. Along the journey, we strive to reach lofty destinations.

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Monday, November 16, 2009


We look right and left before we cross a road. We don’t wish to endanger ourselves. We need to do the same concerning spiritual dangers. Otherwise, we destroy our souls.

We harm ourselves when we turn our eyes away from danger, when we refuse to think it over. For, our ingrained habits naturally lead us, without us realizing it, to failure and self-destruction.

If we think and look before we act, we would immediately realize the adjustments we must make to improve our lives forever. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter Two)

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Thursday, November 12, 2009


If I deal on a daily basis with the Creator, the Creator of all, how, then, can I be small? How can my deeds, words or even thoughts have no importance?

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In a Briefcase

Let your friend's friend be your friend. Let life be your friend. Let the Creator be your friend.

We gain much when we enjoy life as it is -- when we enjoy our surroundings -- when we enjoy what we do.

To be happy with ourselves as we are now -- to be happy with what we do now -- to be happy with what we have now -- this is the level we want to reach. Using words the right way -- saying ideas we can say -- helps us to achieve this.

Within our every day -- within the keys and the keyboard, the pencils and the briefcase, the notes and the sandwiches -- is the Creator's presence. Within each element that makes up our life, rests the power, beauty and love of the One who creates all. We need to see it -- then we can enjoy it.

Can we see power, beauty, love, in a keyboard, in a briefcase? Maybe not, but we can say words that release such thoughts. Say POWER -- BEAUTY -- LOVE -- THE CREATOR. Say SUCCESS -- HAPPINESS -- PLEASURE. Say, I love life -- I enjoy what surrounds me -- I take pleasure from what I do.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009


A bus can travel with a single passenger. The same bus can travel with sixty passengers. Similarly, our actions can carry little intention, or they can be full of intention. These intentions make our actions the more profitable and powerful. (Based on Brochos 5b)

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Ideally, we need to pour our energy and resources only into drawing closer to our Creator, escaping, as we would from a fire, all that distracts us from this goal. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter One)

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Room in your House

"Be a king" -- sounds arrogant, right? In fact, it is the height of humility. Moreover, there is none as humble as is a true king. How so?

For our every strength, talent, intelligence is a gift from the Creator. We may earn or not earn such prizes -- deserve or not deserve such heights. Nevertheless, they remain gifts.

Thus, to claim these talents as our own is to steal them from their owner. Any arrogance or pride we display is an abomination in the eyes of the Creator. Moreover, to remain ungrateful for all we receive is shortsighted, stupid. Should the Creator continue giving us gifts when we fail to acknowledge them?

On the other hand…

When we recognize that the Creator acts from within us and through us -- when we feel His presence stirring us, moving us -- then we allow more of the Creator into our midst, more of His kingship to fill us.

Give a king one room in your house and he will sleep there alone. Give him two rooms and he will bring in his chief aide. Give him three rooms and he will bring in more soldiers and staff. Give him your whole house and it will be a king's house. He will fill its every shelf, its every corner with his glory and majesty.

To be a king, therefore, we need to give our all to the Creator, to nullify ourselves before His presence, and have His qualities shine through us.
This idea our rabbis teach when they say, "Our ancestors -- Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov -- were heaven's chariot." (Breishis Raba 47.5)

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Take the Trouble

It takes an effort to turn up the corners of our mouth. We need to exert ourselves to smile. But when we do so, we have no regrets. It's worth the trouble.

Similarly, with all that's good and positive in life, we need to make the effort -- we need to take the trouble. Very few of life's goodies come by themselves. We need to stab our fork into our food. We need to raise it to our mouths. We need to open our mouths. We need to chew.

When we are in pain, when worries and regrets surround us, when anger and frustration invade us, we have a way out; we have a safe haven -- a heaven where we may revive our spirits, conquer our sadness, expel our disappointments. This refuge lies in the world of thought. Turn your mind towards positive, happy ideas -- inspiring, energizing concepts. In the world of thought, you regain your strength and enthusiasm, your love of yourself, and of life.
But to enter this world, you need to exert yourself, at least a little.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Easy, Hard, Hardest

It's easy to pray for what we desperately need. Harder, is to pray for what we only slightly need, even when we realize its importance. Still harder, to pray for what we don't think of at all, but we do know that it is of critical importance. Practically then, we should string these three into a single prayer, and have our most urgent need fueling our higher consciousness.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

To Release

To release the goodness inside of us, to receive the world's goodness, we need sometimes outside forces to pressure us, to squeeze us. (Based on Tehillim 4.2)

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Thursday, October 29, 2009


To enjoy this world's pleasures as a means to enhance our performance and acquire our next world is good. However, to indulge in such pleasures as an end in themselves, wastes our time, money and strength, and profits us little in return. To indulge in such pleasures as an end in themselves, bars and blocks us from knowing and enjoying our Creator. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter One)

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just what I need

"What is your comment on this new development? Good, excellent, just what I need."

Let's try that again: "What do you say about this new development? Good, excellent, just what I need."

We need to practice this a few times. Get it into our heads, and keep it there. Then, with every new happening, whether good or seemingly, bad, we'll have a ready response. We'll greet it with a smile, with a positive outlook, with hope -- we'll expect success.

Can we be this positive? Certainly, we can.

Does it pay to be so positive? We'll never regret it.

When should we apply this attitude? We should never stop applying it, not for a moment. For everything in this world is the Creator's work, everything is for our benefit -- for our growth, for our happiness and success.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Loss Song

When we suffer a loss, and then pause to think about all we haven't loss, we start singing. (Based on Rashi, Tehillim 3.1)

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Monday, October 26, 2009

The Relationship

Mostly we turn to the Creator when we're in trouble. We need something badly, all avenues seem to be blocked, and we turn our eyes to the heavens.

More important though, is to look to the Creator as a source of inspiration. We should appreciate the outstanding qualities He posses -- the power, the goodness, the joy, etc., -- and strive to emulate Him, to copy these qualities into our thoughts and our lives.

This relationship, this approach towards the Creator is more solid, and leads to many wonderful benefits.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009


When we think of a king or a queen, we think of power -- the ability to affect others, change their lives. If used properly, how much goodness it can bring, how far it can go to improve lives, inspiring others to greater accomplishments, to higher standards of living.

Power includes glory -- the palaces, carriages and limousines; the processions, grand feasts, beautifully dressed servants, gardens and parade grounds. Still, this is external -- and while it impresses the crowds, its value is superficial.

Power however, also includes the attributes we know a king should have -- wisdom, courage, kindness, compassion. These we understand are the real qualifications for leadership, for majesty. These are the true signs of greatness.

Do we have such qualities? To know this answer, we need to monitor ourselves carefully, especially in times of stress.

Can we acquire such qualities? Yes. If we make an active effort to gain them, internalize them, they can be ours.

When do we start? We start now. Place a crown on your head, and be a king or a queen, now!

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Be happy and you cannot be angry. Be happy and you cannot hold grudges. Be happy and you cannot be desperate.

When we are happy, we cannot be angry. Instead, we look for something besides shouting, fuming, to fix the situation. Is there a way to deal with frustrations without shouting, without raging? If we'll think about it, we'll find it.

When we are happy, we cannot hold grudges. True, others may wrong us in 101 ways. True, they may cause us losses -- severe and lasting damage. Still, with happiness we can handle it. We can smile at it. We can turn our loss into a gain.

When we are happy, we cannot be desperate. If we can smile, there must be a reason to smile. We just have to find it...

The secret to being happy is to be happy. Smile. Shine. Tell yourself all is well -- all is as it should be -- The Creator controls all, with perfect coordination, perfect control. Life is great. And therefore, we have every reason to smile and shine.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

On Wealth

The definition of a wealthy person is one that is happy with his lot (Pirkei Avos 4.1). The problem with this however, is no person has everything he needs. We all lack something. How then can anyone be happy with his lot -- no person leaves this world with even half of all he wants in his hands (Koheles Raba 1.13).

The solution must be that even though we lack things, we are satisfied with this lack. We understand that this lack is really for our good, spurring us to new achievement and benefiting us in an important way. Only when we hold such a thought in our mind can we call ourselves wealthy.

A further point is that such a thought must be a constant, a state of mind. In other words, just as to be wealthy is a state of being -- we wouldn't call someone who is wealthy for a minute wealthy -- so too the approach of being happy even with what we lack has to be a constant. To be wealthy we need to fix such an approach, such a trait into our psyches.

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Monday, October 19, 2009


When we realize that only fulfilling the Creator's wishes brings us to the eventual pleasure and delight we desire, we will give them proper importance: fulfill as many of them in range and number as we can, and perform them with high precision and focus. For according to our exertion, so is our gain. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter One)

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Thursday, October 15, 2009


"Look Father, they're taking pictures of me."

"All day, they take pictures of you, son. Mostly, you don't notice this. But they're there, photographing your every move."

"Why do they need so many pictures? What will they do with them?"

"These pictures make up the album of your life. They are your true personality, the real you -- your reward in the world to come, your wholeness for eternity. This is the "you" you take with you when you exit your body and go home."

"Can I see this album, Father?"

"You can see a little of it, son -- but not very clearly. It's too dark in this world to enjoy it properly. You can get a vague idea of what's in that album -- and whatever you see, you can use. But its true beauty, you will only grasp later, when your vision clears.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Our own observations show us that to live only for this world is futile. For, even its greatest honors are accompanied with hard labor and pain. Not one person in a thousand reaches the pleasure and happiness we all crave -- and even then, it all ends in sickness and death.

Our reflections also show us that our souls, our minds, more sensitive and higher even than those of angels, sit in our bodies in discomfort. They are a princess imprisoned in a peasant's cottage, longing only escape to a higher, lovelier reality. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter One)

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trust and Happiness

Can we keep happy in the face of adversity -- a terrible illness or the illness of a close relative -- the loss of a job at an age when it's difficult to find another one?

There is an interesting paradox. This is that the more a person is in the dark, both materially and spiritually, the closer he comes to investing his trust in the Creator. The more he trusts in the Creator, the more he basks in the Creator's light. In this way, being in the dark is a gift.

The Torah reflects this idea as follows: "Who is there amongst you that fears the Creator … who walks in the dark [no material success], without light [no spiritual success] -- he will trust in The Creator …"(Yeshayahu 50.10)
Then, when a person learns to trust, to really trust, he may be happy, and enjoy every type of success.

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Crown Prince

"Father, can I play now with the other children?"

"Go son, play. But remember -- you are the crown prince, the heir to the throne, a future king. Even as you play, you must know this. Be kind to others, especially the weak children. Be fair. Stay clean. And when I call you, come in immediately. Your studies, your quiet time with me, must come first."

"Yes, father!"

Who is the king? -- Only the Creator. Who is the crown prince? That's you -- your potential, your importance. What is the playground? -- This world and the people who inhabit it.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The elements of this world aid us to reach our goal. Moreover, as we use them, we elevate them. However, if we misuse them, abuse them, we destroy ourselves, and our world as well.

The entire world is for us. However, it only benefits us when we use it to reach our destination and reward in the next world. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter One)

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bills, Expenses

Can we live on happiness? Can it pay our unpaid bills, our expenses?

To be happy means we lack nothing. As such, it pays the bills -- all of them. There's a catch though. For in addition to being happy, we have other obligations and duties -- obligations to the Creator, to our families, to our communities. One such obligation is to earn a living -- "with sweat on your face, you may eat bread."*

Still, earning a living, sweating, does not pay the bills. Only the Creator takes care of our needs. Only the Creator pays our bills.

We need to see our life this way. Then, we may free ourselves of our many worries, and start living with a new joy.

* Breishis 3.19

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Yom Kippur

Our prayers are special. This is true of everyone's prayers. The minute we give heart to what we say, it takes on a new power, and the more heart we give, the more power it has.

I heard a beautiful story about the great Rav Shach, of blessed memory. At one time the Ponovezh yeshiva in Bnei Brak really needed extra room for all its students for Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. Managers came to him asking for permission to close off part of the women's section. They were quite desperate for space. After asking for a few days to think it over, he came back to them and told them, "You can't do it. There may well be women, praying desperate prayers, one asking for the return of a wayward grandchild, another asking for her lifelong partner, a third asking for children for herself. Who knows," he said, "it could well be these urgent, heartfelt prayers that carry the entire yeshiva."

Gmar chasima tova.

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Friday, September 25, 2009


We need to make efforts and deeds that lead us closer to the Creator. Such closeness is a true achievement. All else that people think of as being good, is insignificant, evaporating into nothing.

Our hunger for material wealth and comfort distances us from reaching true good. Our challenge is to control these desires. This is our test, and the more tests we pass, the closer we can come to our ultimate happiness. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter One)

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Creator's Gift

If you're going to be a king -- if you want to succeed as a queen -- you have to start now. Decide now that you are a king -- refined, gracious, giving. Think now that you are a queen -- noble, wise, strong. Live now the idea that you are steady, secure -- and make it a part of you.

"Isn't this arrogant?"

It's only arrogant if you are arrogant. But accept it as The Creator's gift, and it's a gift -- a gift that makes your life all the more beautiful. For all you have received to this day is The Creator's gift. And with gratitude -- you may continue receiving His gift, into the present, into the future -- even more than before.

"Who says The Creator wants to give me all I would like to achieve?"

More than you want to receive, The Creator wants to give. (Pesachim 112a) He is the perfect giver. First, though, you must learn how to receive His gift. You must decide that you want it. You must be ready for it. You must wait for it. This is vital.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy and Safe

Be happy and you lack nothing. Be happy and you are secure -- you are safe. (Heard from Rav A. Goodman -- based on Maharal)

But can we lack nothing? Yes, if we look at our world this way -- if we look at what seems bad as being good. With such an attitude, with such a joy, we gain ourselves a new peace of mind and wellbeing.

When we lack something, we are vulnerable. When we are in need, we become dependent. We depend on the person or group who may supply us our need. We are slaves. We are open, exposed to any hurt others might cause us. However, once we lack nothing, once we have all we need, we are invulnerable. No one can hurt us.

At times, we need to be weak. However, this is only when we deal with the Creator -- when we negotiate with the Creator -- when we pray to the Creator. But when it comes to working with and dealing with people, with family, friends and acquaintances, we should lack nothing at all.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The foundation of our personal growth lies in clarifying and confirming our duties for the present time and the future goals we must strive to reach.

The Creator designed us to revel in the ultimate pleasure, immersing ourselves in the glow of His Presence. This pleasure however, we earn only through our own effort and toil.

The place designed for working is this world. The place designated for receiving pleasure is the next world. Thus, this world serves as the corridor to the next. (Pirkei Avos 4.16)

The means that carry us to the next world are directives, mitzvos the Creator gives us to perform while still in this world. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter One)

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Thursday, September 17, 2009


Be a king -- listen to this: "In the beginning Shlomo, son of David, was king over the angels, over the heavens ... then he ruled only over lower beings, the earth ... then he ruled only over Yisrael ... then he ruled only over Yerushalayim ... then he ruled only over his walking stick ..." (Sanhedrin 20b)

What is this teaching? Do the rabbis come to make fun of Shlomo? No. We explain this as follows: Shlomo, like all of us, looked for greatness -- the great happiness that life contains. In his determination and genius, this led him to be a king even over the heavens. Later, though, he cut back on his operations. The angels could rule themselves -- he did not have to command them all. It would be enough to rule the world, or Yisrael, or even just Yerushalayim -- until he concluded that, the best type of king is he who is a king over himself.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Circle of Happiness

Where do we stand on the Circle of Happiness? This isn't a simple question. We keep swiveling around. At one moment we can be close to depression -- at the next, close to ecstasy.

However, there's an average position that we hold -- that we guard -- for ourselves, for our families -- for our day, for our week. This position depends on how close we are to having what we need. Do we have the food we want? Are our living conditions comfortable? Do we have family, friends to interact with, live with -- support and receive support, encourage and receive encouragement? Do we have stimulating, meaningful activities to fill our minutes, our hours?

And still, no person reaches perfect happiness. Somehow, it escapes us -- stands beyond us.

Within our desire to increase our happiness lies our challenge. Will we look for honest, honorable ways to fill this gap in our life? Or will we look for cheap thrills, extravagance? Worse, will we mock and make fun of others for our pleasure?

The first option is the true target, something great, awesome -- but it requires great and awesome efforts. The second, while easy, is a mistake. For by acting in evil, ugly ways, we lose the Creator's support and blessing, and step onto the path that leads only to poverty, misery and unhappiness.

Only with wise decisions can we be happy.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


What does the Creator want of us? No more than to fear Him -- to walk in His ways, to love Him and to serve Him with whole hearts... (Devarim 10.12)

To fear the Creator is to realize that we stand before a magnificent king and to feel ashamed of talking in His presence.

To walk in the Creator's ways is to be magnificent ourselves, bestowing goodness on others to the best of our abilities.

To love the Creator is to look always to please Him, and to rejoice whenever we are able to do so.

With a whole heart is to serve the Creator without any side interest or intention. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Author's Introduction)

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Monday, September 14, 2009


How can we feel excitement and love for our Creator if we don't direct our minds to contemplating His magnificence and loftiness?

To appreciate and know our Creator we need to toil more than we would if we wished to become experts in philosophy, astronomy and medicine, more even than to be experts in the laws and rulings of the Torah.

The ultimate wisdom is an appreciation and knowledge of the Creator of all. For this speculation and imagination is not enough. We can only progress with real, serious study. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Author's Introduction)

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Friday, September 11, 2009


Our lower activities, sleeping, eating, etc., come to us naturally. Our higher activities, grasping elevated ideas, acting in noble ways, we have to learn -- with active intelligence and focused desire.

We cannot acquire what is valuable and lasting without giving of our time and concentrated thoughts to knowing it first.

Our ultimate embarrassment lies in not using the talents and abilities we received to reach the beautiful goals that lie before us. Our shame rests in wasting the talents and abilities we receive to reach that which has no real and lasting value. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Author's Introduction)

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Thursday, September 10, 2009


The most important life concepts include duty, love, respect and loyalty, yet very few people will invest time and thought into understanding these concepts correctly.

A concept we do not understand and appreciate, we do not fulfill. Even when the opportunity to carry it through stands before us, we will fail to recognize it, and it will pass us by.

Elevated living, when properly understood and fulfilled, is pleasing and charming to ourselves, and others. (From Mesillas Yesharim, Author's Introduction)

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It's not enough to know great concepts. We need to engrain them into ourselves until we live them.

The fine attributes and attitudes we have learned, with time, we will forget. Our only remedy for such loss is to review and practice them continuously.

We imprint important concepts into our minds by continuously repeating them to ourselves.(From Mesillas Yesharim, Author's Introduction)

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

King & Queen

"Be a king? Be a queen? What do you mean? Surely, only the Creator is king. And, another question: surely no king is a king unless he has a people?"

"True, only the Creator is king. Still, He lends his crown to others. He is ready to share His rule.

"And, about your second question, we say that any type of king is a king. Someone who rules over others, even partially, is also "a king" -- as our sages teach, "Even the leader of ditch-diggers the heavens appoint."

The Creator lends His crown to others. This means we may turn to the Creator and ask to be kings. We want this quality -- and we can have it. While not everyone can rule the world, his country or even his own home -- still, he can rule over himself. He can rule over his strengths and talents, his intelligence and self-discipline, and his sense of magic. We may be kings within ourselves and govern our private worlds -- our state of happiness, of success.

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Monday, September 7, 2009


Many things give us many types of pleasure. Still, we need to learn to take pleasure in the Creator.

We may enjoy our families and friends. We may enjoy resting after a long, hard day. We may enjoy a hot meal when we are hungry or a cold drink when we are thirsty. We may enjoy shopping, acquiring new possessions. We may enjoy our accomplishments, our victories. We may enjoy a day at the beach. We may enjoy a sunset, or a piece of music.

Still, we need to train ourselves to see the Creator as the author of these pleasures, the source of all this enjoyment. Then we will also learn to enjoy life even without the extras, without the trimmings. Then we will learn to enjoy the Creator for Himself, and attach ourselves to the source of all happiness, for all time. This is the ultimate way to live.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Feeling Inferior

"Some of the people in my life, I feel, have so much more than me. I need almost to bow before them -- even to lick their shoes.

"Even when I stand up to them -- when I speak to them as equals, or ignore them -- it still bothers me. I have this need to impress them, to please them. It's so frustrating."

"It's a prison. You must escape."

"But, how -- where's the tunnel?"

"Focus on the thought that the other person and you are both the Creator's inventions. As such, you are equal. This other person may have received great talents, unique life circumstances -- but so did you. You each have sets of abilities, combinations of resources that are special. Make the most of what you have -- and be as great as the greatest.

"Fix it, in your thoughts, your attitudes, that only the Creator is King. Then, be like the Creator. Emulate His ways. Be a king.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We can be more than just the subject of the stories of our lives, we can be the authors as well. Let's rewrite this story, creating for ourselves an exciting, happy future, and even changing a little, our past. (The power of Teshuva, returning our thoughts and our hearts to the Creator is such that we can even convert past mistakes into sources of credit and merit - Yoma 86b)

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Awesome Gifts

"Who is pressuring me? Who is stopping me from living, from enjoying life? Why am I constantly exhausted? Why am I unhappy?"

Who pressures us? We pressure us. Our own dissatisfaction pushes us to look for more and more.

Who stops us from living, from enjoying life? We do. We need to pause a moment and enjoy the scenery. We need to breathe in the fresh air, smile, and thank the Creator.

Why are we exhausted? We do not sleep enough.

When will we be satisfied with all that we have? Only when we are satisfied with all that we have. For, "… there is no peace for the greedy, says the Creator."

We have to set aside our jealousy, our lusts, and enjoy all we are. Each one of us is unique, each one a treasure chest, a source of surprise and pleasure. Instead of looking at what we lack, we need to focus on what we have -- the awesome gifts in our lives. In addition, we need to care for our health: to eat properly; sleep properly. We can be happy. Let us be happy -- now.

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Monday, August 31, 2009

Showing Kindness

We reach the highest spiritual worlds specifically by learning to be considerate and showing kindness to the people around us. (Hakdama L'Zohar, Baal HaSulam, 15)

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Feel like, Need to

There's what we feel like doing, and then there's what we need to do, that which leads to self-growth, enriching our families and communities. The ideal is when what we feel like doing and what we need to do are the same. This we achieve when we focus on the wonderful fruits our right actions produce. (Based on Ohr HaChaim, Devarim 7.12)

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Role Play

Children play at being Queen of Europe -- President of the Americas -- Field Marshall of Asia -- Princess of Africa. As they play these roles, they become great, important people. From their game, they are noble and wise, powerful and pleasing.

We have other role models, larger even than such political figures -- our precious fathers and mothers: Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov, Sara, Rivka, Rachel and Leah. Moreover, the list goes on: Moshe, our teacher; Devora, the prophet; King David; Queen Esther, and on through our history to present-day sources of inspiration.

Like children, we should strive to be these personalities -- play their role, copy their modes of behavior, the attitudes and conduct we understand them to have. Like children, let us imagine our way to greatness, not to lord over others, but to be warm, special people. Let us imagine our road to personal achievement, with belief, sincerity, patience. Let us be all that we want to be.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Magical World

Enter the magical world of your mind, the palaces, the gardens, the forests, the beauty. Draw great pleasure from this world as you uncover within it your special friend, the Creator of all.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

An Art

Throw a ball to the sky. It rises higher, higher -- then it begins to fall. It cannot escape the force of gravity. Similarly, we cannot escape our ingrained nature, our habits and attitudes. With effort and time though, we can improve all that we are.

Happiness is an art. We must learn it in theory, then through practice. The better we understand its tools, the better we may use them. True mastery however, requires skill and practice. A top musician trains daily to maintain and improve his level. In the same way, we must work daily to acquire happiness.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Not to worry

When we have nothing to worry about, it's no great feat not to worry. To prove our level of trust, we need not to worry when there is plenty to worry about. Of such an achievement, we can take pride.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Divine Qualities

The Creator is the perfection of all attitudes, of all attributes. He is the perfect King. He is perfect happiness. Our task then, is to become as much like the Creator as we can. And in achieving this goal, we become kings -- we are happy.

This can be our focus when we stand before the Creator, when we talk to Him. As we praise Him, as we raise Him, as we identify and add up His divine qualities -- so we draw closer to Him. And in drawing closer to Him, we adopt for ourselves -- to an ever-greater degree -- these qualities within ourselves. The same qualities we picture in the Creator -- become ours. We promote the Creator -- and in promoting Him, we promote ourselves.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We can be happy

We may dream of marvelous, rosy, glistening futures. To be happy though, is to enjoy the dream. We may plan elaborate, complex designs, actions. To be happy though, is to enjoy the planning. We may train, toil, climb, even pant for air. Still we can be happy. We may be waiting, lying sleeplessly -- we may be helping the helpless -- still we can be happy. It's within our minds, within our hearts and within our words to be happy, now.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All a gift

Let's try, for at least a few minutes each day, to remember that all that we have, all that we are, and all that happens to us through our day is all a gift from the heavens. Then, let's say thank you, and smile.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Be a King

Press your finger on the Happiness Button. Watch the button light up. See your life -- your world -- change color, glow with light, with joy. Now press the button again. Keep pressing that button during the day. For inside it there's a spring and it won't stay down by itself. We need to keep pushing it throughout our day.

Press your finger on the King/Queen Button. Watch it light up. Experience a good feeling, a self-respect pouring into your heart, into your mind. With such an attitude you enjoy wholeness, serenity and inner-peace. You can handle anything. You can walk through your day with self-assurance and dignity.

We decide how we feel about ourselves -- about the people around us -- about the challenges Hashem sends us each day. We decide whether we are happy or not. We decide our attitudes, our responses. We can live our day with purpose and achievement. We simply need to press that button.

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Friday, August 14, 2009


If 500 people run the same race, can there be more than one winner? No, and yes. If winning means receiving a gold medal, the answer is no. But, if winning means participating in the race, living new experiences -- the answer is yes. If winning means learning what we never knew before, embracing, loving life -- then all 500 runners can be winners. Moreover, to be happy is greater than any gold medal.

Striving to win in material terms need not take away from our happiness. To win life's gold medal is to earn firm, tangible physical gains. On the other hand, to be happy is to win life's emotional/spiritual race. They need not clash.

Winning in material terms is about striving for future successes. Being happy is about loving life -- as it is -- in the present. They need not clash.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

How important

How important is all that we do? It depends -- it depends on how much importance we give to all we do.

In other words, even our least action, our smallest word, our lightest thought, becomes important when we consider it important.

Our every exertion, our every move, contributes towards building us -- making us into all that we are. In a top device, a hi-tech marvel, the smallest connector plays a role, the least plastic chip is important. So it is with ourselves -- we dare not downplay any part of our lives.If we consider all that we do as being great, we are great. But when we consider our deeds small, we cause ourselves to shrink.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

When we start seeing

We reach an important landmark in our personal growth and development when we start seeing the wellbeing of others as our wellbeing, the success of others as our success. (Based on VaYikra 19.18)

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Be Happy

How can we become extremely wealthy -- richer even than the great billionaires? The solution lies in a two-word formula: be happy.True, this is easier said than done. Still, it's not that hard to be happy -- it's not impossible. What we need is to enjoy life -- as it is -- now.In other words, our toast may burn, or we may have no toast at all -- worse, our health, physical and/or financial may suffer -- worse, a horrible, cruel war may storm around us -- still, we can choose to be happy. And in being absolutely, totally happy, we have all that the world has to offer us.This doesn't mean that we do nothing to change our present. We may need to run, we may need to fight, we may need to call out -- still we can be happy. We can be happy with all that we are and all that we have, now.

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Every life situation...

Every life situation teaches and helps us to adjust our lives a little. This, we hope, is only and always for the better.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

To make our world...

We can focus our efforts to make our world all-okay. Or, we can turn to the Creator to make our world all-okay. Or, we can try, somehow, to combine the two together.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

To see...

To see destruction and tragedy all around us, is to destroy ourselves, and our lives. To see wonders and goodness around us, is to become ourselves wonderful, good people. (Based on Esther 8.6)

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Life wants us to improve ourselves. For this reason, it sends us lessons. If we learn and adopt for ourselves these lessons, good. If not, we need to hear them again. (Mishle 17.10)

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Monday, August 3, 2009

An Example...

The greatest gift we can give to others is to be a good example to them. (Heard)

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Love Life...

Love life, that you may live your life to the full, and achieve marvelous achievements. (Shaarei Teshuva 2.9)

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

As we...

As we draw down wealth, power and wisdom from the heavens, let us also draw down prosperity and peace for our world.

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Monday, July 27, 2009


Work together with others and not against them. Preserve their dignity even in your thoughts.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Duties and Dreams...

Know your duties. Know your dreams.
Know your duties that you may do, all that you need to do. Also, know your dreams. As you fulfill your duties, let them bring you ever closer to achieving the success, happiness and excitement you see as being yours.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No One...

No one takes anything away from us, without us letting them into our lives. No one adds anything to our lives, without us deserving the situation. Our lives really are in our hands. (Yoma 38b)

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Miracle, a Gift...

The more that we can see all that we have -- our health, wealth, intelligence, achievements, family, friends and environment -- as a miracle, a gift from the heavens, the more we open ourselves to more miracles and heavenly gifts.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

The Greater, the Less...

The greater the person the less he depends on material gains and possessions to keep him happy. (Heard in the name of Rav Eliyahu Lopian, zts"l)

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Give Pleasure...

We can strive to give pleasure to ourselves alone. This however, will leave us quite lonely. Then we can strive to give pleasure to others as well. If we are sincere, the personal gain and pleasure we will gain from this will be very great, more than we ever thought possible.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Your Banker...

Here is an exercise that requires courage: See the Creator as your banker. Deposit your extra funds in projects that promote goodness, helping yourself, and others, to reach their potential. Then trust that the funds that you need will become available to you just as you need them -- not for years to come, or even months, but just as you need them. (Based on Tehillim 55.23)

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Monday, July 13, 2009

The Greatest...

The greatest puzzle is the Creator of all. The greatest pleasure is solving this puzzle. The greatest puzzle is the Creator of all, to understand the life situation He thrusts on us -- the challenges we must face and the lessons we must extract from them. The greatest pleasure is solving this puzzle, learning how to appreciate all we receive, climbing to new heights, and enjoying the levels we reach.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Beauty of Love...

We may sing and dream about the beauties of love, but it's not worth much to us unless we train ourselves to show and give love to others. (See Michtav M'Eliyahu, Kuntras HaChesed)

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

With a Billionaire...

Spend all day, every day, with a billionaire, and you become the richer. You learn some of his winning ways, and you change. Similarly, when we focus on to the Source of all wealth, we learn new, winning ways for living, and we become the wealthier. (Based on Baba Kama 93a; see "Wealth, A Torah Approach" pg 134)

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Our ability to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of this world depends on the beauty of our thoughts and deeds. (Medresh Tehillim 49)

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Reason...

Do the right thing for the wrong reason, and suffer disappointment. Do the right thing for the right reason, and reap rich rewards. (Chovos HaLevovos, Shaar HaBitachon, 4)

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Respect and Like...

We all want others to respect and like us. To ensure this we need to do two things: (1) Respect and like others. (2) Respect and like the Creator of all. (Pirkei Avos 4.1; Shmuel 1 2.30)

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Us First...

We can't expect the world around us to change for the good without us changing for the good first.

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Thursday, July 2, 2009


No matter the situation thrust upon me, no matter the limits that block me, I can choose to do better than I have done until now. I can compete against the person I was yesterday. (Based on Chovos HaLevovos, Shaar Yichud HaMaaseh, 5)

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No matter the situation thrust upon me, no matter the limits that block me, I can choose to do better than I have done until now. I can compete against the person I was yesterday. (Based on Chovos HaLevovos, Shaar Yichud HaMaaseh, 5)

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Live your moments fully. Be aware of the sights, sounds and scents around you. Feel the heat of the sun, the coolness of a breeze, and the emotions that jangle within you. Connect with that bruise on your body, or the elation of an unexpected victory from a while ago. Throw all that you are into the moment.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Second Way...

We can fight our battles by screaming over telephones, calling our enemies ugly names and cursing them a hundred times in our heart. Alternatively, we can turn, twist our hearts to the heavens, cry for help and a quick, easy solution to our troubles. Mostly, this second way is the easier and better one, as the verse says, "When the Creator is pleased with a person's ways, even his enemies make peace with him." (Mishle 16.7)

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Monday, June 29, 2009


We grow best in situations of hardships, trials. The word "trials" however, also refers to experiment, trying something new. Such trials too help us discover new aspects of ourselves, new growth, and even save us from the other type of trial. (This is true in Hebrew as well; the word nisayon means a hardship, but it also means an experiment.)

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We grow best in situations of hardships, trials. The word "trials" however, also refers to experiment, trying something new. Such trials too help us discover new aspects of ourselves, new growth, and even save us from the other type of trial. (This is true in Hebrew as well; the word nisayon means a hardship, but it also means an experiment.)

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Whatever we are able...

Whatever we are able to do, we must do -- for we only receive our abilities that that we may use them. Moreover, only by using them can we reach lasting satisfaction and happiness. (Daas Torah, BaMidbar, B'haloscha, biurim)

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Better People...

We need to travel through life, event after event, challenge after challenge, with a single goal uppermost in our minds -- to become better people.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No Violence...

Avoid all violence, even thoughts of violence, and empower your prayers. (Based on Iyov 16.17; Tehillim 11.5)

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Within You...

Focus on the Divine Presence. Keep this consciousness alive within you. This will protect you from all troubles and worries. (Based on Devarim 31.17)

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Divine Presence...

Focus on the Divine Presence, and as you do so, let it fill you. For together with the Divine Presence we access the source of all health, wealth, happiness, power, inspiration, charm and genius of the world.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009


At the lower level, we blame our boredom on our surroundings. At a higher level, we understand that boredom reflects something lacking within ourselves.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To Belong...

It's important to have a certain amount of independence. However, we need also to belong -- to the world around us, the people who fill it it, as well as to upper, heavenly worlds. It's good to belong.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Friendly World...

Look at others as friends, explaining away and forgiving even their worst behavior, and turn your world into a friendly world. (Based on the Torah command, you should judge your fellow citizen favorably – Shavuos 30a)

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Each Challenge...

Each challenge is another step on the ladder of our self-advancement. As such, every event should leave us the better and the richer for it. Otherwise, it fades off as a lost opportunity.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Heart and Mind...

Focus on being loveable and making wise choices. Do all that you do with heart and mind.

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Heart and Mind...

Focus on being loveable and making wise choices. Do all that you do with heart and mind.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

The World of Thought...

Take every opportunity you have to enter the world of thought. You will be only the happier and richer for it.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009


We get excited when we buy something big. A home improvement and even more so, a new home is important to us. Rises in salary or increased profits make us feel good about ourselves. Still, it's the steps we take to enlarge our character and personal traits that are the greatest achievements of all. (Rav Yehoshua Schwartz, Kiryat Sefer)

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