When we think of a king or a queen, we think of power -- the ability to affect others, change their lives. If used properly, how much goodness it can bring, how far it can go to improve lives, inspiring others to greater accomplishments, to higher standards of living.
Power includes glory -- the palaces, carriages and limousines; the processions, grand feasts, beautifully dressed servants, gardens and parade grounds. Still, this is external -- and while it impresses the crowds, its value is superficial.
Power however, also includes the attributes we know a king should have -- wisdom, courage, kindness, compassion. These we understand are the real qualifications for leadership, for majesty. These are the true signs of greatness.
Do we have such qualities? To know this answer, we need to monitor ourselves carefully, especially in times of stress.
Can we acquire such qualities? Yes. If we make an active effort to gain them, internalize them, they can be ours.
When do we start? We start now. Place a crown on your head, and be a king or a queen, now!
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