Our prayers are special. This is true of everyone's prayers. The minute we give heart to what we say, it takes on a new power, and the more heart we give, the more power it has.
I heard a beautiful story about the great Rav Shach, of blessed memory. At one time the Ponovezh yeshiva in Bnei Brak really needed extra room for all its students for Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. Managers came to him asking for permission to close off part of the women's section. They were quite desperate for space. After asking for a few days to think it over, he came back to them and told them, "You can't do it. There may well be women, praying desperate prayers, one asking for the return of a wayward grandchild, another asking for her lifelong partner, a third asking for children for herself. Who knows," he said, "it could well be these urgent, heartfelt prayers that carry the entire yeshiva."
Gmar chasima tova.
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