A great rule of happiness is: never complain. Do not complain to others -- not friends, not family. Do not complain to the Creator. Do not complain to yourself -- even in your thoughts.
To complain gives us a certain pleasure. However, the loss from complaining outweighs any gain. For to complain is to say that we are unhappy -- and when we are unhappy, we can't be happy. Moreover, when we complain we enlarge the reason for the complaint -- we give it extra strength to hurt us. We empower it to possess us.
But when we look for the good in our situation, when we take pleasure in our situation, we attribute an extra pleasure to the world -- and an extra pleasure to its Creator. In this way, the source for our complaint helps us appreciate the beauty of our lives. It opens a door to all that we hope for, and all that we dream.
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