"Some of the people in my life, I feel, have so much more than me. I need almost to bow before them -- even to lick their shoes.
"Even when I stand up to them -- when I speak to them as equals, or ignore them -- it still bothers me. I have this need to impress them, to please them. It's so frustrating."
"It's a prison. You must escape."
"But, how -- where's the tunnel?"
"Focus on the thought that the other person and you are both the Creator's inventions. As such, you are equal. This other person may have received great talents, unique life circumstances -- but so did you. You each have sets of abilities, combinations of resources that are special. Make the most of what you have -- and be as great as the greatest.
"Fix it, in your thoughts, your attitudes, that only the Creator is King. Then, be like the Creator. Emulate His ways. Be a king.
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