"Be a king? Be a queen? What do you mean? Surely, only the Creator is king. And, another question: surely no king is a king unless he has a people?"
"True, only the Creator is king. Still, He lends his crown to others. He is ready to share His rule.
"And, about your second question, we say that any type of king is a king. Someone who rules over others, even partially, is also "a king" -- as our sages teach, "Even the leader of ditch-diggers the heavens appoint."
The Creator lends His crown to others. This means we may turn to the Creator and ask to be kings. We want this quality -- and we can have it. While not everyone can rule the world, his country or even his own home -- still, he can rule over himself. He can rule over his strengths and talents, his intelligence and self-discipline, and his sense of magic. We may be kings within ourselves and govern our private worlds -- our state of happiness, of success.
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