Many thoughts fly through our heads each day, but we choose which ones to focus on and which ones to ignore. This choice affects all that we are...
We may be in the ideal setting, surrounded by beautiful articles -- yet we can choose to think negative, black thoughts. What then happens? These thoughts become a fire. We breathe life into them and they grow -- they become great and strong, and envelop our whole being. Instead of enjoying all we have, we become depressed, bitter, angry. We fume. We are furious.
Our victory and achievement lies in reversing this scenario -- completely.
In other words, even if we are in a terrible situation, surrounded by ugliness, we may choose to focus on something positive, something enjoyable. Then, we may extend this focus -- we may fill our being with it -- and turn our day into a flower garden of contentment and happiness.
To possess such ability, such a tool, is a power -- a gift. The Creator, in His kindness, strives to teach us this ability. He gives us every opportunity to acquire this skill.
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