"Be a king" -- sounds arrogant, right? In fact, it is the height of humility. Moreover, there is none as humble as is a true king. How so?
For our every strength, talent, intelligence is a gift from the Creator. We may earn or not earn such prizes -- deserve or not deserve such heights. Nevertheless, they remain gifts.
Thus, to claim these talents as our own is to steal them from their owner. Any arrogance or pride we display is an abomination in the eyes of the Creator. Moreover, to remain ungrateful for all we receive is shortsighted, stupid. Should the Creator continue giving us gifts when we fail to acknowledge them?
On the other hand…
When we recognize that the Creator acts from within us and through us -- when we feel His presence stirring us, moving us -- then we allow more of the Creator into our midst, more of His kingship to fill us.
Give a king one room in your house and he will sleep there alone. Give him two rooms and he will bring in his chief aide. Give him three rooms and he will bring in more soldiers and staff. Give him your whole house and it will be a king's house. He will fill its every shelf, its every corner with his glory and majesty.
To be a king, therefore, we need to give our all to the Creator, to nullify ourselves before His presence, and have His qualities shine through us.
This idea our rabbis teach when they say, "Our ancestors -- Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov -- were heaven's chariot." (Breishis Raba 47.5)
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