If you're going to be a king -- if you want to succeed as a queen -- you have to start now. Decide now that you are a king -- refined, gracious, giving. Think now that you are a queen -- noble, wise, strong. Live now the idea that you are steady, secure -- and make it a part of you.
"Isn't this arrogant?"
It's only arrogant if you are arrogant. But accept it as The Creator's gift, and it's a gift -- a gift that makes your life all the more beautiful. For all you have received to this day is The Creator's gift. And with gratitude -- you may continue receiving His gift, into the present, into the future -- even more than before.
"Who says The Creator wants to give me all I would like to achieve?"
More than you want to receive, The Creator wants to give. (Pesachim 112a) He is the perfect giver. First, though, you must learn how to receive His gift. You must decide that you want it. You must be ready for it. You must wait for it. This is vital.
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