Sunday, March 7, 2010

Raise Yourself

Be a king or a queen. Be noble. Be gracious. Be kind and friendly. Have a generous word to say to someone -- especially someone who would like to hear a generous word. Have money to give someone -- especially someone who would like to receive money. Raise yourself beyond feelings of envy or resentment.

We often ask, "Why is the success I so want, not mine? Why am I not attracting the people I want to myself? Why do I not draw the money and promotion I want into my life?"

The reason we don't draw all we want to ourselves, is because we aren't yet the people we would like to be -- we aren't yet the people we know we can be. First, we need to be what we can be. Then, we'll enjoy the privileges and pleasures we want.

Therefore, be a king or a queen. Be noble. Be gracious. Be kind and friendly. Have a generous word to say to someone who would like to hear a generous word. Have money to give someone who would like to receive some money. Raise yourself beyond feelings of envy or resentment.

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